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Eagle Teen Quest - Camp 2

The second camp was made up of Grade Seven learners from Hope School and Nduna. They were a very energetic group to host. As the youngsters arrived, they spent some time playing and getting acquainted with each other. After supper, we had a great praise and worship session and learned about self-image. They had morning exercise and devotions as well. They heard an excellent sermon in the Millennium Hall and learned about peer pressure. Learners shared what pressure they have encountered before and stated ways to counter it.

The learners played the Tanks game which they were so good at. They made it to level 14 in thirty minutes which was outstanding! The learners also attended a session that was meant to equip them as they transition from primary school to secondary school. They then separated into different groups where the girls had a girls talk, the boys also had their talk, and they learned about grooming and other issues relevant to them.

They confirmed that they learned a lot and will put it into practice. It was fun to take a splash in the pool, they enjoyed that a lot. Some played ball games in teams together with the leaders. In the afternoon there was more fun to be had with zip-lining and horse riding. The closing highlight was when the leaders sent the learners away in prayer. Every leader and teacher specially prayed for the learners. That was a powerful and heartfelt moment. 

As EAGLE, we look forward to them joining our learning groups next year. We also look forward to greater learning experiences