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EAGLE Learning rates differ based on the system that each individual learning group uses.

The supplies required depend on the individual Learning group, as some operate with Nests and others operate with Eggs. Nests are the full package: they are mobile cradles that hold 10-30 tablets, provide them with charging connections, and keep them updated with the latest materials and lessons from the EAGLE servers. Eggs provide the same information distribution technology, but require the students to provide their own tablets.

EAGLE Learning groups are not traditional schools. They offer quality high school education, but are fully powered by an electronic curriculum distributed to the Learners on tablets. They are also different from traditional schools in that they do not necessarily take place in a classroom; most EAGLE groups meet outside to take advantage of the fully offline systems that Nests and Eggs provide.

There are already over 30 EAGLE Groups in Zimbabwe with more coming soon.

EAGLE’s Classical Christian model of education is derived from the philosophy of Dorothy Sayers and her fellows in the classical education movement. They proposed that all other forms of education flourish when built upon the Trivium–the Greek and Roman disciplines of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric–and when students are encouraged to discuss with their teachers rather than simply listening to lectures. Classical scholars and their students often conducted lessons under a tree or on the steps of a building, and EAGLE’s fully portable education system allows modern-day lessons to occur in the same manner. Christianity is the other discipline prioritized in this model–every lesson is designed to demonstrate how individual subjects and disciplines all work toward the ultimate glory of Christ.

While financial gifts are always appreciated, the EAGLE model benefits much more directly off of the donations of your disused technology. The number of Learning groups we are able to open is dependent on the number of tablets and phones we have at our disposal, and expanding these groups to more of Africa is our greater mission. Whether you donate a device or give financially , your generosity is a blessing to the learners.